Thank you for taking time to slow down.
To take pause. To remember the sacred magic and wonder within you. In a world filled with activity and stimulation, it is a revolution to choose to rest into the care of the Goddess of the Sacred Pause and learn deeply from her. I'm delighted to step upon and through this threshold for the next 5 days with you.
Slowing down on the inside is a sacred practice I've refined in my 25+ years of working with women in the field of feminine alchemy, while also being a mom with a full, busy life, family and urban farm. Let us take pause to softly remember who we are at our core. |
Our Woman's Week for Magic & Wonder BEGINS Monday 12/4
and runs until Friday 12/8
We'll get you settled on Sunday 12/3, and close things down Saturday 12/9.
All materials will be yours to keep, to return to
the ✨MAGIC✨ and ✨WONDER✨
that lives within, again and again.
let us enter these 5 days for our sacred magic & wonder...
Here's an introduction to our holy week and practice of taking Sacred Pause.
👉🏾 Take a moment now and set a 5 mins reminder on your phone/calendar for the next 5 days. Or create *whatever method* and safe structure will be supportive to you to honor this time. *Consider doing your pause at the 12p noon hour in your time zone, or at a time that will be easily consistent and effortless for you. |
Here's the APP I speak of in the above video, that you may want to use in the future
to ground your Sacred Pause Practice.
to ground your Sacred Pause Practice.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle
Here's a favorite prayer, Goddess of the Sacred Pause by Molly Remer, to read out loud as you begin your 5 min pause each day.
Each day will consist of: ✨ a 5 min pause at a consistent time each day ✨ the Goddess of the Sacred Pause prayer ✨ and your daily Brave Becoming™ audio |
Research shows having REGULAR ROUTINES offers the following benefits:
❥ More restful sleep
❥ Trust in the flow of the universe
❥ Optimal health
❥ More focus
❥ Lower stress levels
❥ Capacity for greater intimacy
❥ Deeper states of connection with the sacred
❥ Greater joy in the mundane and the unknown
and so much more . . .
❥ More restful sleep
❥ Trust in the flow of the universe
❥ Optimal health
❥ More focus
❥ Lower stress levels
❥ Capacity for greater intimacy
❥ Deeper states of connection with the sacred
❥ Greater joy in the mundane and the unknown
and so much more . . .
✨ Your daily pause will support you experiencing how you're connected to the Wisdom and Wonder flowing through the natural world... of you! ✨
take pause to feel your inner stillness
Each day you'll receive an audio blessing (via email) along with the invitation to take 5 mins to soften into yourself.
These 5 blessings are for you to absorb and savor over the course of 5 days. 🌟 They will support you in remembering your inherent ✨MAGIC✨ and ✨WONDER✨ amidst the flurry of the end-of-year season. |
👇🏽Your audios will be housed BELOW on this page. 👇🏽
They come from my collection of best practices for what our nervous system requires to center and settle during states of busyness, chaos, triggering and social connectivity. 🧘🏽
They are held inside the 5 spheres of our Brave Becoming™
This is terrain I’ve personally walked and held countless women in, as we’ve journeyed upon the most heroic path one can take…
learning to wholeheartedly INHABIT OUR LIVES and become radically and resourcefully OURSELVES.
Welcome to your...
🌱 Brave Body
🌱 Brave Breath
🌱 Brave Belonging
🌱 Brave Blessing
🌱 Brave Birth into BEing
The intention is for each day's audio to hold you in the remembrance of your inner stillness, as you move through this end-of-year season with the wisdom, poise and grace from the depths of who you are.
They come from my collection of best practices for what our nervous system requires to center and settle during states of busyness, chaos, triggering and social connectivity. 🧘🏽
They are held inside the 5 spheres of our Brave Becoming™
This is terrain I’ve personally walked and held countless women in, as we’ve journeyed upon the most heroic path one can take…
learning to wholeheartedly INHABIT OUR LIVES and become radically and resourcefully OURSELVES.
Welcome to your...
🌱 Brave Body
🌱 Brave Breath
🌱 Brave Belonging
🌱 Brave Blessing
🌱 Brave Birth into BEing
The intention is for each day's audio to hold you in the remembrance of your inner stillness, as you move through this end-of-year season with the wisdom, poise and grace from the depths of who you are.
Let's take back the magic of our sacredness!
At any time, if you run into challenges accessing your daily resources,
please reach out here.
please reach out here.
Sacred Pause - Day 1
Your Brave Body
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Sacred Pause - Day 2
Your Brave Breath
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Sacred Pause - Day 3
Your Brave Belonging
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Sacred Pause - Day 4
Your Brave Blessing
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Sacred Pause - Day 5
Your Brave BEing
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This is your brave birth into BEing!
If and when you're ready...
Consider adding another 5 mins for a scheduled pause into your day,
once your daily initial 5 min pause is settled, easeful, joyous and consistent.
This might be something you add in tomorrow, next week, in a month, never, or maybe in 5 years.
No need to judge your right pacing. No need to judge what is perfect and aligned for you.
May you let yourself be fully you, and give yourself what is most nourishing.
(*The key is NOT putting pressure on yourself to do more/be more/or search for more to heal.
The intention is to naturally be drawn into increasing states of pause and inner stillness, which automatically expand into a felt-sense
of daily magic and wonder that emits the wisdom of coherence through all your moments and challenges.)
I am here beside you. Celebrating you right where you are.
If and when you're ready...
Consider adding another 5 mins for a scheduled pause into your day,
once your daily initial 5 min pause is settled, easeful, joyous and consistent.
This might be something you add in tomorrow, next week, in a month, never, or maybe in 5 years.
No need to judge your right pacing. No need to judge what is perfect and aligned for you.
May you let yourself be fully you, and give yourself what is most nourishing.
(*The key is NOT putting pressure on yourself to do more/be more/or search for more to heal.
The intention is to naturally be drawn into increasing states of pause and inner stillness, which automatically expand into a felt-sense
of daily magic and wonder that emits the wisdom of coherence through all your moments and challenges.)
I am here beside you. Celebrating you right where you are.
You'll find me here. I'd love to hear how this experience has been for you.
website © sharon ann rose
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life