what i offer...
soul alliance
I listen to the deeper call of your soul and provide safety, allowance and alliance with what's longing to move through you.
I hold.
I hold.
sincere reflection
The most subtle things require space, time and reassurance to fully come alive. I provide reflection for what I see, hear, notice and feel from the realms of your greatest beauty, deepest fear, tenderest innocence, and most awe-striking capacity. This helps you comprehend what's real and true about your life. And what needs more room to breathe and grow.
I nurture.
I nurture.
getting to the heart of the matter
I do not take your willingness to reveal your heart through the work we do together, carelessly. I use efficiency, a soft touch, warrioress stance, and the wisdom of ancients, to walk beside you through terrain that REALLY doesn't matter, so you can come face-to-face with what does.
I honor.
I honor.
laser-point observation & guidance
I'm a detective that has refined her senses to pick up on things most don't perceive or notice. I peer deep into the unknown, so you can feel safe with dark corners, obstructions and confusing pathways that you've been longing to find your way past.
I carry a light.
I carry a light.
transitional midwifery
I've come to understand life is born through the transitions. As we step into them consciously, new vistas appear that we had no prior idea could be available for traversing. I carefully move with you through the losses and hurts, heartaches and breakdowns. And walk slowly in the seascape of your big and small transitions. This is where our deepest breakthroughs happen.
I revere.
I revere.
safe treasure-keeping
There are priceless treasures inside each of us. Unique and invaluable. I watch over these when you've forgotten, and demonstrate caring action through kindness, dignity, softness and grace. By way of love, nothing is lost or can leak out.
I protect.
I protect.
honoring of time
You come to me because you want change. Real and enduring change. I show up because I want to co-create change. Lasting, revolutionary change. In your life. And in our world. The kind that someone can feel... deep in his/her bones. I'm not willing to mess around or pretend something is working when it's not. Our time and work together is priceless.
I respect.
I respect.
inter-dynamic connection
None of us moves through life alone. So I won't pretend that you or I do. I can see, feel and commune with multi-dimensions and fields of consciousness. Drawing towards us a greater understanding of what holds our hand every step of the way. Anchoring in vital support and care.
I listen.
I listen.
feminine creation
I've been placing my forehead upon the earth for a long time now. Being drawn, rattled and pulled into the core of Creation. I'm keenly aware of the fear-inducing process of letting go. And relaxing into. Of allowing our natural state to be the creative guidance of our lives. I know this isn't always a pretty or easy path. I've learned the importance of breath and trust.
I surrender.
I surrender.
what i don't offer...
You know yourself best, even it you don't yet fully trust this. I don't presume I know you better than yourself. I can see people deeply and have profound empathy. I won't pretend I'm you, nor will I take your right to discover what you deeply know away. Though I believe we actually ARE the 'last to know ourselves,' I will not get in the way of you reclaiming your sovereign self-wisdom, or learning more about who you are and what you're made of.
I grow invisible.
I grow invisible.
how-to guidance or come follow me
I don't believe there's one method, theory or approach for everyone. Nor one path to follow. I listen deeply to YOUR style and sincere yearnings, and offer resources and wisdom I sense will align with who you are, how you learn, and where you're headed. It's up to you to follow what aligns with your soul, and to give me feedback. I entrust you to take REAL care of yourself. It's not up to me to discern what is best for you. I won't take that privilege away.
I return you to yourself.
I return you to yourself.
one-form for always
We come in an array of forms, aspects, sizes, shapes, beliefs, colors and genders. And inside of us, we contain a vast array of forms, aspects sizes, shapes, beliefs, colors and genders. Just as there's no one-size-fits-all approach amongst people, there's also no it's-going-to-work-this-one-way-for-this-person forever. I don't presume one method, idea, style or approach will work for you over the long haul. There's so many forms and faces that want to come through us. I show up to you now. Honoring the ever changing, different aspects within that long for more space to roam and more voice to proclaim.
I show up for your presence.
I show up for your presence.
denial of seasons, cycles, aging & time
I honor rhythm and seasons. And the passage of time. I do my best to be in intimate relationship with this. I won't push against nature's wisdom. Nor deny what stage of life you're in, what age you are, or what you're being asked to embody and grow softer to within your human experience. I won't manipulate time to make you (or anyone else, including me), feel better. I hold a softening space for you to deepen into the timeless.
I bow to what is and is not changing.
I bow to what is and is not changing.
quick fixes & magic pills
I'm a Wise Woman. I don't pretend to be a Magician. A Wise Woman embraces living magic. I won't offer you the fast, furious, feel-better-in-a-day approach. It's a life-time practice I'm committed to. I'll walk beside you through any confusion, doubt and struggle with all you've believed and been taught about how you 'should be' feeling and doing... so you can discover what's actually going on inside and learn to appreciate yourself. I'll provide water to wash things clean, but I won't give you pills to pop in your mouth. I'll even send a bit of fairy dust and rose petals your way. It's up to you to see the beauty and believe in the magic within yourself, or not.
I honor sustaining medicine.
I honor sustaining medicine.
fortune telling
I sense things and feel things. Some have called me an Oracle and Sorceress. And I don't know what's next or how it's all going to turn out. I provide space for you to create, not to know, presume or figure everything out intellectually. I won't play the role of your director, teacher, psychic or try to hand you a Ouija board. Don't get me wrong. I love these things! But this is not the realm I'm working with here. I'm helping you collaboratively work with your source of Creation. To befriend and re-empower your right to be an active part of the next step. And then the next. While you embrace yourself in and as the mystery.
I respect the process and the mystery.
I respect the process and the mystery.
I believe in clear structure and guidance. But I won't be your authority. I'll provide ideas, resources, suggestions and practices. It's up to you to tell me how you feel about things. To do what you say you're going to. This is your process and life. I won't tell you how to be you. And I won't deny we are in this together. Mutually creating and impacting each other. I'll provide full-on care and dedicated support to be the most real you that you can be. And I'll be listening to your every word. So you can learn to entrust yourself as the author of your beautiful next chapter.
I work with mutuality and partnership.
I work with mutuality and partnership.
website © sharon ann rose
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life