Grief, Grace, God...dess! The Pilgrimage
This journey is meant to reach
all those who most need it.
Grief is a delicate process.
It is time to honor its wisdom.
all those who most need it.
Grief is a delicate process.
It is time to honor its wisdom.
what you receive on the journey...
~ photo from course participant
Grief, Grace, God...dess! The Course
"Don't turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place.
That's where the light enters you." Rumi
This has been a time of great loss.
And immense dissolution. Of dreams. And forests. Of relationships, homes, families and systems. Of the things we once believed in purely and radically. And of the things we were willing to stand up for and hold on to. this has been a cycle of letting go on a monumental scale…In ways we never saw coming or could ever fathom this was their end.
And the truth is, we're all grieving. Grieving SO MUCH in these transitioning times. For the loss of sacred land and precious home. For the loss of pristine forests and succulent beach. For the loss of family, loved ones and integral parts of ourselves. For the loss of dreams and capacities, and things we thought we'd be doing. For the loss of who we thought WE were and were becoming. And the reckoning with who we've been and actually long to be. Actually long to be. |
Grief, Grace, God...dess! provides rich medicine for the soul of humanity in these times.
It is sent to you as a digital package through a .pdf workbook and .mp3 audios. This is a sacred resource that incorporates support for y/our grief through:
the passage through our grief is not logical nor a straight-through shot.
It's circuitous and meandering. Taking us far back into a lost innocence. A terrifying moment.
Into a memory that rises up quick and fast, once overwhelming our system and causing us to shut down. And now this time. THIS time. We don't. We can't. We aren't. Shutting down. we aren't shutting down our hearts to the ache that goes beyond our comprehension.We aren't shutting down our openness to what's holding its hand out to us.
We aren't shutting down our memories of dreams once longed for and what needs to be done to allow them to flourish and breathe. We aren't shutting down our deepest hearts presence to ourselves. We're letting it in. We're letting it return. We're letting it FLOW. Right back to us. Offering this River Of Our Tears. To carry us on. Flowing. Flowing. As we move through this Grief Journey. Together. |
Through this process learn to...
"We don't need a magician to take it all away - we just need a witness."
- Glennon Doyle
a deeper purpose
Many indigenous cultures acknowledge grief work and ceremony as an integral part of the healthy fabric and healing of society. Communities gather to share song and dance in honor of all that's torn their hearts apart and open. Women throw themselves on the earth, wailing without reserve. People openly speak to their Gods and deities, asking for support and intervention. Shedding their angst, proclaiming their doubt, fear and limitations. Honoring they are not in this alone.
The intention of this Grief Journey is to provide a safe container and guidepost for this much-needed societal wisdom and healing. Within our modern-day context, Grief, Grace, God...dess! provides time and space to have our heartache held within a Feminine-based container, while drawing upon the wisdom of our larger community of support. |
We carry within us stories of dust and tears.
Embarrassed gasps and stifled whimpers. Skinned egos on dirt playgrounds. Resilience soaked in swamped boats. A list of firsts. Another list of lasts. Cupboards full of “what ifs.” Words lodged in our bones; petroglyphs we can’t decipher. We bind grief with a corset made of barbed wire, fearing that if it breathed, we would never stop bleeding. Invite grief on your journey. Allow your grief to breathe. ~ anne richardson one of our Soul Medicine Keepers |
nourishment for your soul
what's included
what others are saying
"I am here with so much feeling in my body. And such a powerful validation of how grief has worked so persistently to let me know that She is nearby always with me. I am building dams to actually hold back the power of grief and the gift She wants to give me .... I am keeping myself from being fully alive here now. I don't want to be standing with one foot in this world and one foot in the beyond. Today's transmission has filled me with a new perspective ...a new hope. A doorway into the possibility of love "found" not love "lost ".
~ participant, east coast USA
~ participant, east coast USA
"I'm finding actual physical comfort in the softening of my grief and being with it. And amazingly, I find myself tiptoeing into GRACE. The flow of this journey is speaking volumes to me. I was in such a dark, almost defeated place. I was thinking to myself about how I was perceiving my path through this and how much emphasis I was putting on Grief. My mind didn't compute the Grace and Goddess aspects. They felt so far away from me. The idea was wonderful but not something I thought myself capable of. But I do feel it today. And I know that this will be an ongoing process in my life, and I welcome that now. Thank you!" ~ participant, west coast USA
"There are many open processes of Grief in my life, and certainly more to come. There has been one that I have greatly neglected, and on the eve of this journey it showed her tender face to me. So I chose to grieve myself on this journey.
I chose to hold so tenderly and to fully grieve the ways that I have turned away from God. These are times when I have lost my faith, moments when I have questioned God's Grace, not least so in moments of grief when I have turned my face away from Righteousness, and in so doing, have denied my grief the possiblity of coming home. For in my heart I know; there is no river the ocean does not receive." participant, England |
"It has been a tender sanctuary. It has been heartening to know I’m not alone in my grief. I have wondered at the heightened awareness I’ve experienced and marveled at the power of group intention. I’m grateful to all the participants, willing and unknowingly, who joined me on this wild journey." ~ participant, west coast USA
"Now I see (grief) with a different lens, a lens that I could've only come to by going through the grief process." ~ participant, east coast USA
"Loving people have grief, and Collective grieving is essential for health and well being. I am so tired of the habit to isolate and live alone with grief. I need to be closer to others who have softened their hearts, who are willing to walk together and recognize their deep sorrow as well as their loving joy and connection. I think in our societal dysfunction we have made grief into a selfish experience. Today I aim to slow and soften to the fear and recognition that this body (mine and all of the worlds') is temporal and precious, made of love and light and everything in between." ~ participant, east coast USA
join sharon ann rose, m.div.
Sharon is a Wise Woman and Priestess of Grief, having worked with its deepest waters to learn how we flow with its descending current into a practice of one’s own self-care, community connection and love.
Through this intimate and rich Grief pilgrimage, she gifts her sacred reflections and impeccable care to support coming into greater relationship with oneself and the hardest challenges of our lives. It is here we discover how we make it through. Not necessarily to an ‘other’ side,' for there may not be one. Rather, into a deeper discovery of how we make it IN. Into a more intimate sense of what is honest, true and joyful for ourselves and all we're connected to. This is how we release what no longer is working, to enter the coming times through our own interior cleansing and rebirth. The likes of which we didn’t know was possible. Learn more about my heart and work here. |
our soul medicine keepers
Ana Azizkhani
Ana Azizkhani was born in Iran and immigrated to the US at the age of five. She spent her childhood navigating a life of two cultures, walking a line in between two different worlds. She graduated with a BA in Anthropology and Eastern Religions at the University of Virginia in 2000 and went on to the National University of Natural Medicine to get her Masters in Oriental Medicine, graduating in 2008. She has been practicing acupuncture, herbal medicine, and different healing arts in private practice since. Learn more about Ana @
Learn more about Bonita @
Bonita Woolf
Throughout my life I've craved to go deeper, to know deeper, to explore deeper... like my true self existed in the depths of my being. I understand and embrace this about myself now and naturally surrender to this movement, to this magnetic pull that happens organically from deep within guiding me to the mysteries of life that lie hidden but not forgotten. I am a qualified Womb Guide, passionate about supporting women to heal and awaken to their deeper sacred nature. I teach the fundamentals of womb healing as a self-healing process, including embodiment practices to nourish our bodies energetically through the cultivation of Shakti. As a guide into the Womb realms, what touches my soul the most is being able to hold women through the most tender thresholds. I offer one-on-one InUtero journeys to facilitate healing our entry into this realm, healing energetically from sexual violation, healing ancestral bloodlines, preparing our wombs for conception, preparing energetically for birthing, healing after miscarriage or termination of pregnancy…. all sessions being entry points, tender gateways for healing and restoring the sovereignty of our feminine soul at this time. It’s been a long and ineffably deep journey, of entrainment and personal healing, in preparation to be in service to life in this way. Healing my grief has played a key role in the restoration and reclamation of soul remembrance. Today I live a life ablaze with sacred purpose that has slowly been birthing from the deeper realms of my being. It has not been an easy path, but it's been my path, the depth of which I now totally embrace. I'm so grateful for my commitment to my path, to be in service to life as a guide into the depths of creation itself through womb consciousness that holds profound healing and beauty |
Connect with Lizelle @
Become a community member on Patreon @ Lizelle Marais
[email protected] (971) 201-7488 |
Lizelle Marais
Lizelle is a holistic integrative energy medicine practitioner and transformative wellness coach in the field of health, healing, energy medicine, archetypal depth psychology, transformative leadership, personal development, human consciousness, and spirituality & mysticism. Lizelle is a healer, mythologist, activist, writer, guide, storyteller, poet, singer/songwriter, musician-composer, recording artist, producer, visual artist, and dedicated mother. She is the founder and director of Lit From Within, a nonprofit dedicated to the facilitation of soulful healing & transformational processes and social change initiatives for individuals and communities. Her work focuses on holistic trauma recovery and healing. Lizelle was born and raised in South Africa to frontline anti-Apartheid activist parents in the black consciousness liberation movement, who were grassroots spiritual and community leaders during the 1970s and 80s. After political persecution by the SA apartheid government and police for 16 years, the family received temporary residency in the US in 1990, following a brutal litigation prosecution by the SA security police. They returned home in 1992 to a transitional period of political transformation and reconciliation. In 2000, she returned to the US to complete Masters and PhD coursework in Mythological Studies, with emphasis in Archetypal Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in CA. Her daughter, Maya, was born in 2010 in Colorado. They currently live rurally, just outside Portland, Oregon. For the past 4 years Lizelle has been creatively immersed in writing, recording and professionally producing her debut album Rising, with a crew of 8 other master musicians, and an African youth choir from South Africa. Please support her fundraiser for this project @ |
Learn more about Natalie @
YouTube channel: Podcasts Interviews: and |
Natalie Rani Marie
Natalie is passionate about healing and supporting people connecting with the divine. Over the past 20 years, she has learned a lot about the healing arts from healers and teachers from different lineages around the world. Natalie graduated with her Bachelors in Psychology in 2008. She started working full time at a corporate job but continued to feel more drawn to the healing arts. She completed her Reiki Master certification in 2014 in the White Light Reiki lineage. After spending 6 years working in the corporate setting, she decided to pursue a Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology. This led her to pursue her Master’s at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA where she completed her degree in Integral Counseling Psychology in 2017. While she was completing her studies, she was introduced to different spiritual teachers outside of the school setting who taught her to remember why she is here and to share her medicine without fear. They encouraged her to take a less traditional route and thus, Tending Your Spirit was born. She completed her certification for The Emotion Code® in March, 2019 taught by Dr. Bradley Nelson. In 2021, she completed her training with the Òran an Rìbhinn: The Venusian Song Certification Program facilitated by Liv Mokai Wheeler. Natalie continues to study with Liv Mokai and the Kontomblé and she has supported many healing journeys that Liv has led around the world, including in Mongolia, Panama, Peru, Japan, California, Florida and North Carolina, along with many virtual ceremonies and rituals. Through Tending Your Spirit, Natalie has conducted programs focusing on supporting people tending their grief, finding their voice, navigating conflict, and so much more. She continues to do individual and group healing work utilizing all the tools she carries in her medicine bag. Natalie's sessions with her clients are held as sacred healing ceremonies. She sees healing as a way for all of us to clear out the density that trauma creates in our bodies and rediscover the true essence of our beings by reconnecting with our hearts and bravely living from that space. She believes in the power of healing both individually and in community. She loves to hold space for the “shadow” aspects of ourselves that most people tend to turn away from. She knows how powerful it can be when we go through the darkness to discover the light within. |
Learn more about anne @
anne serves our Grief Journey through sharing her reflections on creating an intimate relationship with grief, exposing how it is here to nurture and guide us, not harm or abuse us |
anne richardson
Stepping into the role of apprentice and accepting Grief as a wise mentor, has graciously taught anne how to be with losses in the darkest dark… her own and those she comes alongside as a spiritual companion. This is a gift she's grateful to have been entrusted with, and receives the responsibility to listen deeply to others' stories as sacred. As part of this ongoing journey, Joy has been revealed as Grief’s partner, the two intimately entwined. anne believes in participating with all aspects of our inner and outer selves, and with all beings on this planet… and beyond. To be kind, gentle, and curious with the invitations received and open to shifting beliefs that no longer serve herself or others. She walks to listen to the land and to ancestors. Writing poetry and blogging is one way she engages with Grief and her other myriad of passions, including seeking out new paradigms for pondering the wounds of trauma, embodying the labyrinth and learning to navigate a world where humans are not the central species (this is definitely her newest growth edge). Oh, and she reads…a lot. anne (she/her/hers) is a Board Certified Chaplain, Certified Spiritual Director, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Reiki Master (Usui/Holy Fire® III lineage) and published/award winning poet. She established Nurture Your Journey in 2016 after working in home hospice for more than seven years. She volunteers as a small group facilitator in the Pathways Program at the Dougy Center for Grieving Children. A selection of her presentations include: Anticipatory Grieving & Ambiguous Loss in Dementia Care as part of Oregon Care Partners Speaker Series and to HOPE, A Dementia Support Group, The Labyrinth: Ancient Archetype, Modern Metaphor for Journeying Through Grief to NW Association of Death Education and Bereavement Support and Lewis & Clark Center for Community Engagement), Labyrinths in Healthcare: Response, Respite, Resource, Providence Spiritual Care Departments, Honoring & Befriending Grief as We Age to Retirement Connection, Senior Service Network-Clark County, and Poetry: A Common Language for Exploring Grief at the Oregon Health Care Association Convention. anne earned a Masters of Art and Certificate in Spiritual Direction from George Fox Evangelical Seminary (now Portland Seminary). Her chaplain certification is through the Association of Professional Chaplains. She also has a certificate in Palliative Care Chaplaincy Specialty from CSU Institute of Palliative Care at California San Marcos and labyrinth facilitator certification through Veriditas. Her additional training includes two years at the Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center with one year as a fellow focusing on veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Moral Injury. She completed The Principles of Collective Trauma Healing course through The Academy of Inner Science. |
Learn more about Rae~Ven @ To purchase her book: Women Living In Alignment |
Rae~Ven S. Barnard
Rae~Ven is a Soul Midwife, Subtle Energy Therapist, Quantum Embodiment Guide, Plant Spirit Alchemy Practitioner, and Ceremonialist. Rae~Ven guides others (in living and in dying) through the deep heart portals of transition, into the embodiment of new realities and empowerment through understanding their Wholeness in relationship with Nature. Twelve years ago, a powerful Kundalini-ingniting experience landed Rae~Ven on a new life path dedicated to self study with Shakti, personally transforming her relationship with inflammation and depression, a journey from pain into awakening energy and empathic empowerment. Grief Alchemy and Heart Center Presence are at the core of Rae~Ven's unique work. Her intimate relationship with the Elements and Nature has shown her that grief is earth's medicine for human evolution. It is not a burden, rather it is a birthright, and one of Mother Earth's many sacred and holy gifts to support growing awareness and the soul's journey of becoming. Rae~Ven is a co-author in the new women's anthology, Women Living In Alignment. In it, she shares a slice of her story about her journey through spiritually awakening and physically healing with Shakti. |
Rae~Ven serves our Grief Journey as a Co-Celebrant for our Community Grief Ritual and Conscious Dying Process
Jenny serves our Grief Journey by offering her dance of discovery of Grief as Medicine and the story of how she now calls it an act of Praise! |
Jennifer Rayfield
Jennifer holds a Masters in Education, degrees in Dance Therapy and Nutrition Therapy, and has completed over 200 hours of Family Systems and Constellation facilitator training. She was a public school educator of neurodiverse youth for over 15 years, owned a therapeutic dance studio for 5 years, and has taught movement therapy all over the country for more than 20 years. Her dance love is a fusing of world dance and music with a focus on the continent of Africa. These days Jennifer can be found supporting companions in deep Nervous System healing through the fusion of Family Systems and Constellation therapy - facilitating the systemic repair of ancestral trauma - dance therapy, and somatic resiliency practices. Understanding grief as praise and medicine has been integral on her path. She was lucky enough to study with Sobonfu Some and facilitate grief rituals in the ways of this beloved teacher's African tradition. She also draws great inspiration from the teachings of Martin Prechtel. Her beloved teachers are everywhere, and the ones she credits for this bio are: Sobonfu Some, Martin Prechtel, Gabrielle Roth, Kimberly Ann Johnson, Lexi Soulios, Marva Collins, and Margaret Compton. |
Aletheia's books include:
Learn more about Aletheia @
Aletheia Sophia
Aletheia Sophia is a Writer, Mythologist, Minister and Whisperer of Sacred Wisdom. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, transmissions and workshops focus on the development of the mythic imagination, and on the relevance of fairy tales and folk traditions to the personal, cultural and environmental problems we face today. Aletheia has an intense relationship to the land, especially the French Pyrenees, Egypt and Ireland. All of her work springs from an irresistible intimacy with the land, which is rooted in as much as the myths and stories of place as it is in a detailed knowledge of the physical and historical environment. Aletheia has led workshops throughout Europe and North America. Now, you will find her at home with her husband and mother in the mountains where they have taken on an almighty project – the restoration of an old Catholic summer house for children into the White Rose Mystery School, complete with chapel, Bed and Breakfast, Vegan café, Apothecary of Body Ritual’s and Animal Sanctuary. They produce a large proportion of their own food, keeping goats, sheep, pigs and a miscellany of poultry; a large thriving permaculture garden/food forest. Over time she has developed an oral message that stirs the remembrance of a continuous lineage with the Feminine Principle that throughout the centuries has preserved its spiritual dignity, without the need for permission or recognition from any other source. She is here to deepen your spiritual journey and to offer you a safe space whilst doing so. If you feel a calling toward a tradition strongly rooted in the presence of Mary Magdalene, Gnostic Sophia and Christ’s early teachings you will find a palpable vein of Truth surrounding her. Aletheia lives in the Cathar region of Southern France with her beloved husband Pete Wilson. Together they run Les Contes, a B & B at the base of Montsegur where individuals, families and large groups can come and stay. Aletheia has designed her own clothing range, which she calls Anaiya's Wardrobe, and has created her own anointing oils, called SOPHIA Temple Oils. She is currently alchemizing the waters of La Source de Belisama into "Sacred Source" medicinal holy water for drinking and healing. |
Anne serves our Grief Journey through sharing her intimate passage through grief and learning how to show up FULLY for each loss. |
Anne Murray Mozingo
Anne is a devoted mother, freelance writer, reporter and Reiki Master. She supports others through the Grief and Loss process as a Caretaker of Humanity's Heart. As a hospice trained facilitator, Anne served widows through their own grieving in their darkest hour. Anne is a Sisterhood Leader and Mystery School graduate. In the past 22 years, Anne has lost 17 people who were deeply close to her, beginning with her husband who passed away unexpectedly when Anne was a new nursing mother of their 17-month old babe. She experienced what it is to lose everything overnight. During this stage of life, she wrote a personal heart-felt newspaper column entitled, "Labor of Love," in which she shared the raw experience from the inside landscape of her own loss. Anne is a role model for how to live from a broken heart AND an insurmountable joy! For as low as she has been, she has discovered her highest of highs within that. Anne shares with us her most potent mantra,
"The depth of your pain is equal to the depth of joy that is coming to me. That joy is coming to you!" |
Jenn Tasnim Savage
Jenn is the founder of A Heart Centered Life & creator of The Healer's Journey™. She is a highly skilled empath, spiritual healer and business strategist who helps highly sensitive & empathic healers walk upon their True Path. She will help you tap into your Soul’s GPS & courageously answer The Call of your Heart. Once connected to your deep inner knowing, you will leave behind old stories and confidently step into being the Thought Leader & Luminary you were created to be. Within our Grief Journey, Jenn shares about how we can honor the "die before you die" process, addressing the pain & anguish we feel when faced with the uncertainty of letting go of everything we were taught, or think we are supposed to be, in order for our true colors to emerge. She speaks to the importance of honoring the small moments of loss, or disappointment, that happen on a daily basis, and how letting these things open up, can potentially lead to rich understanding of ourselves, the people we love and the world at large. |
Learn more about Tasnim @
Learn more about Medea @
Medea serves our Grief Journey through sharing her own story of loss and what she's discovered because of it. |
Medea Bavarella Lapalme
Medea is a Best Selling Author of Facing Grief With Eyes Wide Open, an expert Transformative Teacher, Facilitator, Leader and successful Master Coach. Her work, which is also her mission, is about inspiring and facilitating people in their process of transformation and evolution, in order to awaken their higher purpose and contribute their gifts and genius to their life and the world. She uses her gifts of intuition, compassion, innovation, creativity and clarity of vision to gently and powerfully cut through what is not aligned to the highest perspective of truth. She is a master at creating affinity, rapport, deep caring and a powerful context where healing and transformation occurs naturally, powerfully and gracefully. Medea is a Feminine Power Transformative Coach, Therapist and Leader supporting people on their personal journey, from ‘victim’ to empowered co-creators. She is the Founder and Host of WeEvolve TV™, an online talk show, where she has interviewed many Luminaries in the field of Human Consciousness. Her interviews have been inspiring individuals globally. She has Co-Hosted Liquid Lunch, a talk show on ThatChannel TV. Medea’s unique style, integrity, gracefulness, passion, enthusiasm, a desire to assist and contribute, and a sharp ability to get to the core truth of any situation, provide a valuable advantage and benefit to all those who are mentored and guided by her. She will demonstrate and guide you how you, too, can live a liberated life of fulfillment, accomplishment and joy, you may have never known was possible. |
Learn more about Amy @
Amy Livingstone
Amy is a contemporary sacred artist and spiritual activist now based in North Carolina. She began drawing at a young age while growing up in New Hampshire and completed undergraduate studies in fine art. After relocating to Portland in the early 90s, she discovered figurative sculpture through classes at the Pacific NW College of Art and studied at Hipbone Studio for six years while maintaining a thriving graphic design business. In 2001, after a spiritual awakening that unfolded over a long period of grieving, she answered her soul calling to work professionally as an artist. In 2003, Amy founded Sacred Art Studio after a transformative ten-day training with environmentalist Joanna Macy and dedicates her work to the healing of our world. Drawing inspiration from all spiritual traditions and the wisdom of our indigenous ancestors, Amy’s artwork reveals through a symbolic language our innate interconnectedness in the web of creation and reverences the earth as holy. Born of the wisdom gleaned from her own grieving process and facilitating children at The Dougy Center, Ms. Livingstone has designed and led inspirational workshops/retreats since 2002. These gatherings bring together art making and mindfulness practices to support healing and transformation. Amy is a certified Spiritual Director from Urban Spirituality Center, a practitioner of non-violent communication, and studied shamanism with teachers both locally and in Peru. |
Sarah Page
Sarah Page is a metaphysical alchemist, who focuses on transforming poison via the Frost Method: traveling through it. An Oregon artist who lives in a vibrant family of seven (including the furry babies!), Sarah has found that sometimes the best way to find an answer is to stop seeking it. The Question Garden can yield all kinds of surprises if we let it do what it does best: rest and grow. Of all the times, right now is her favorite. Sarah has been on a lifelong bear path and is committed to learning the infinite languages of Love. A curious investigator, she has a keen ability to hear what your mouth isn’t saying. Sarah has a genetic sense of ridiculous stemming from most branches of her ancestral line, and swears she isn’t laughing at you, it’s just that your words can innocently be coins in the random joke jukebox of her brain. Within our Grief journey, Sarah acknowledges that grief is asking us to see it exactly as it is, and at the very least, just see it when it shows up. She senses that Grief would describe her as a friend and a safe place. Grief would say she is here to (re)learn about her Self and to help others find the treasure of themselves through the process of befriending grief. |
Learn more about Jewelz @
Jewelz serves our Grief Journey through sharing about her deepening practice of creative expression as a pathway for listening to and transforming her grief. |
Jewelz Ann Lovejoy
Jewelz is a Priestess for Humanity. She is a Shamanic Healer, Musician, Artist and Esthetician, who offers wisdom, events, services and resources to support others opening to profound Self-Love with a joyful heart ❤️ of everyone's Authentic beauty. "From my creators womb bursting forth dancing, singing and ready to sparkle, shine, play, laugh, experience love in every possible opportunity. Grief is an opportunity of discovering, curiosity, unknown beauty and possibilities. My journey today understands that to be who I am is a catalyst to Feel all the possibilities for connecting with our magnificent world a surrender of my self to what is and route my heart every day a masterpiece of Artistry a living being full of wonderment and mystery. Exploring and the curiousness of infinite loss, fury, suffering, wounding, self sabotage, falsified story telling, impact of beliefs and experiences that feel very real and live in our density of being and from here navigate a journey that creates a world of exploration. My wonderment acknowledges that creatively anything is possible, I wish to color the world with change, I wish to be grateful, and at peace with my will of choice to be here and Arrive feeling what I feel and coloring, dancing, singing what is from my authentic Soul and may my Spirt touch the purity of life as a creative being with reverence and blessings." Jewelzie |
Learn more about Janice @
Janice Aday Forbes
Janice is a freelance consultant, coach, and website developer with Virtual Business Solutions. She lives in Silverlake, Washington overlooking the majestic Mt. St. Helens with her husband, several of her six children and grandchildren, five dogs, and Lucy the cat. Within our Grief Journey, Janice shares, "Grieving comes from the soul. Depression comes from the mind." Through our tender conversation, she spoke about the death of her son. And the honesty of her grief. How she daily questions why this had to happen. We spoke about how grief takes you to places that can't be fixed. And how it brings you to the honest truth... that there's no assurance of any next moment, ever! The immensity of Janice's grief has brought her to the place of longing to be her best, as a way of honoring her son. To be who she inherently is. And allow that part of herself to come out. The real her. May her REAL wisdom bless us all. |
To the many who have walked beside me, dancing with me inside my grief. 💔
You are the souls in body, helping humanity grow tenderly sincere and honest about what is most precious.
I love you. And thank you.
You are the souls in body, helping humanity grow tenderly sincere and honest about what is most precious.
I love you. And thank you.
Madeline Holly-Sales
Thank you to Madeline Holly-Sales, sacred sister and Return of the Empress Feminine Alchemy Initiate.
For the sound vocals we used in the beginning and end of each of our GGG 2022 Grief Conversations. Hear more of Madeline's music @ |
Our Grief Medicine Women
Thank you to Aletheia, Amy, Ana, anne, Annie, Bonita, Janice, Jenn, Jenny, Jewelz, Lizelle, Medea, Natalie, Rae-Ven and Sarah.
For the rich, meaningful and vital conversations we've had. Over the years and through this journey. Learn more about each of these women here. Here's a resource compiled list with their contacts!
And to all those who have participated in this Grief pilgrimage since its inception.
Your hearts have been richly felt. Your shares have been immensely inspiring.
Your souls have left a wise indelible mark upon my life's journey. Thank you. 🙏
Your hearts have been richly felt. Your shares have been immensely inspiring.
Your souls have left a wise indelible mark upon my life's journey. Thank you. 🙏
interested in going deeper...?
Explore Grief, Grace, God...dess! Our Deepening
a 5-week intimate group process with our grief
a 5-week intimate group process with our grief
website © sharon ann rose
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life