Her Primal Freedom
a self-healing initiation for women through movement, voice, power & alchemy
September 15 - September 17, 2023
@ Sevenoaks Retreat Center
Madison, Virginia, USA
@ Sevenoaks Retreat Center
Madison, Virginia, USA
*to inquire - fill out the form mid-way below
*Sevenoaks Retreat Facility has gone up for sale and received a buyer/offer.
*Sevenoaks Retreat Facility has gone up for sale and received a buyer/offer.
Inside of EVERY WOMAN.
There is a place. A place where FREEDOM reigns. A place where the happenings of our past and societal conditioning, no longer restrict our choices, creativity, wisdom, power and majesty. This is a place all women hold. And are held by. Yet this is a place so little of our world and upbringing has encouraged or revealed to us. Many women go through life feeling denied and disorganized. Doubting themselves and their own beauty. Distrusting their inner gifts and resources. Downplaying and disrupting what they naturally carry within themselves. |
This weekend we come together to honor such FREEDOM.
And stand in the rightness of our own being.
We TRUST in our own source connection.
And restore it by allowing it FULLY here.
Through our bodies.
Onto the earth.
Into this beautiful world we all share.
Together letting FREEDOM RING through our voices and form. Through our presence and partnerships.
Through our families, communities, creative pursuits, careers, homes, passions, Sisterhood and world.
A woman is the Releaser of her own Constraints.
By tending her deep knowing and naturalness of being,
she sets all of life FREE.
And stand in the rightness of our own being.
We TRUST in our own source connection.
And restore it by allowing it FULLY here.
Through our bodies.
Onto the earth.
Into this beautiful world we all share.
Together letting FREEDOM RING through our voices and form. Through our presence and partnerships.
Through our families, communities, creative pursuits, careers, homes, passions, Sisterhood and world.
A woman is the Releaser of her own Constraints.
By tending her deep knowing and naturalness of being,
she sets all of life FREE.
artwork by Chicho Lorenzo, https://www.chicho.org/
During this weekend...
We touch these forgotten treasures within ourselves where FREEDOM has always reigned. We invite you to join us in your most exquisite, natural state. To gather with other wild, wondrous and magical women. To deeply listen to, nourish and celebrate your body, voice, power and sacred medicine. In a place of belonging, we explore the beauty and simplicity of our primal, authentic, embodied freedom of self. |
What does freedom mean to you?
Openness? Ease? Fluid strength?
An embodied presence? Deep connection with the earth?
A felt sense of your animal rightness of being? Clarity of your heart and mind?
Openness? Ease? Fluid strength?
An embodied presence? Deep connection with the earth?
A felt sense of your animal rightness of being? Clarity of your heart and mind?
In the nature-based sanctuary of Sevenoaks Retreat Center, poised at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, we gather to soften into our most organic state by savoring...
This is the nourishment we know our souls deeply hunger for. |
Together we will feel the heat of what holds us at the core of creation.
And unpack priceless parts of us from layers of dust, doubt and encrustation.
We'll gently unwrap our clearest radiance and deepest essence,
and breathe our sweetest dreams into the center of this safe container of holy women.
We'll entwine our soft, capable hands around the contours of our hearts.
And whisper love songs into the desires of our souls.
We'll invite our FREEDOM back, by breathing Her alive.
Beckoning ALL OF HER here.
To reside within our bodies and through our days, in our most natural creative state.
And unpack priceless parts of us from layers of dust, doubt and encrustation.
We'll gently unwrap our clearest radiance and deepest essence,
and breathe our sweetest dreams into the center of this safe container of holy women.
We'll entwine our soft, capable hands around the contours of our hearts.
And whisper love songs into the desires of our souls.
We'll invite our FREEDOM back, by breathing Her alive.
Beckoning ALL OF HER here.
To reside within our bodies and through our days, in our most natural creative state.
"Freedom" https://www.artmajeur.com
Why this retreat is so important in these times...
We all come to life with our pure heart and vibrant soul intact. And as our tender insides meet the chaotic world outside, the reverse of what we’d expect, begins to happen. As the inner greets what's around us, outside of us, and been passed down to us... what we thought would grow UPward and OUTward, begins to encurl INward.
And a woman, because of her inherent relationship with Feminine energy, begins to pull in. To protect and safeguard something she senses is special and sacred to life. Drawing her magic internally, a woman can feel ashamed in a world that has emphasized outward power, growth and appearances. A woman can feel criticized for what she carries inside. Becoming cloudy, lost, disempowered and confused in her outer experience. About who she is. And about how it all comes together... the inner and outer / the I and we / the he and she / the human and divine - in balance. Often a woman can become sick in body and spirit. As painful things occur. Disorienting events happen. And the very experience of love itself hurts deeply within her.
Women often share that they don’t feel they were made for ‘this world.’ That they can’t fit in or master the game here. They can't grow what they feel most drawn to create. They feel lost and aren’t certain how to be themselves. How to find and hold on to their vibrancy, when so much of the world is hurting and being hurt. They just don’t know how to trust their inner voice, power and wisdom. To feel at home in who they are. To allow their own pleasure and joy forth... their own natural and primal FREEDOM to vibrantly lead the way, ring out and grow.
And a woman, because of her inherent relationship with Feminine energy, begins to pull in. To protect and safeguard something she senses is special and sacred to life. Drawing her magic internally, a woman can feel ashamed in a world that has emphasized outward power, growth and appearances. A woman can feel criticized for what she carries inside. Becoming cloudy, lost, disempowered and confused in her outer experience. About who she is. And about how it all comes together... the inner and outer / the I and we / the he and she / the human and divine - in balance. Often a woman can become sick in body and spirit. As painful things occur. Disorienting events happen. And the very experience of love itself hurts deeply within her.
Women often share that they don’t feel they were made for ‘this world.’ That they can’t fit in or master the game here. They can't grow what they feel most drawn to create. They feel lost and aren’t certain how to be themselves. How to find and hold on to their vibrancy, when so much of the world is hurting and being hurt. They just don’t know how to trust their inner voice, power and wisdom. To feel at home in who they are. To allow their own pleasure and joy forth... their own natural and primal FREEDOM to vibrantly lead the way, ring out and grow.
There’s a reason for this. And it has to do with where the treasure, vitality and wisdom of the Feminine actually lives. And what it represents and provides to all of life.
And what’s holding and safeguarding it. Longing for and beckoning it HERE. To earth. Now. Through you. THIS is where the REAL experience of your PRIMAL FREEDOM is waiting to be found. |
Your Primal Freedom Awaits!
Guided by the care and intuition of Transformational Facilitator, Sharon Ann Rose, and co-led by Embodiment Creatresses, Christina Bostic and Madeline Holly-Sales, you'll feel a renewed experience of your own FREEDOM flowing through, as your feminine capacity is strengthened AND softened to receive more love and power through every fiber of your being.
Held in the beauty and simplicity of Sevenoaks healing environment, you’ll be enlivened by your own personalized unique remembrance for how to sustain your deepest freedom in your everyday life. |
Our Weekend Includes
- Deep Soul Medicine (for/from yourself, your body, your allies and soul sisters)
- Introspection (deep reflection and playful experiences to take you into the FREEDOM within and savor it)
- Transformation of what no longer serves you (feminine-based ceremony and ritual)
- Movement, Voice & Embodiment experiences
- Time on the beautiful land of Sevenoaks Retreat Center
- Softening into your hardest edges (it feels SO GOOD to rest into who you naturally are)
- Group Activities & Creative Expression to go to the places you feared traveling alone
- Nourishment for Body & Soul – wholesome meals of Food as Medicine
- Clarity, Peace, FREEDOM, Pleasure & Joy… the sky’s the limit. The stars light our way!
- Gazing at the Wonder around you… and the magnificence within
This Retreat Is For Women Who
- come from all corners of the earth, and all walks of life... doctors, lawyers, artists, mothers, teachers, therapists, singers, healers, Sisters, clergy, politicians, laborers, gardeners, grandmothers, granddaughters, lesbians, police officers, librarians, Women of Color... We come together to show the world we are birthing the way!
- yearn to taste freedom beyond outer dictation and expectations of what has been passed down... from the left and right wing, the have and have not's, or from our own personal growth dogmas. We are ready to SET IT ALL FREE!
- have felt afraid of what living from one's own power and freedom might mean and look like, and desire to come alive and experience it anyway!
- ache to live in a world that works for ALL, and know this from deep within their own bodies
- honor the earth, creatures and our humanity, and yearn to share this level of reverence and respect in ceremonial presence with others
- don't want to fight, hurt, suffer, or cause pain and are breaking the legacy of these patterns for the next seven+ generations
- are ready to light the world up from inside their own bodies with what they've been incubating within
- know they are the answer, they are the way... and have begun to taste their unique flavor of BEING THIS and are ready to SING, DANCE, REST, BE QUIET and PLAY!
This time is for you.
To deeply care for yourself.
Tenderly held in a circle of women.
Our love and connection
ripples out to touch the hearts of all of life.
To deeply care for yourself.
Tenderly held in a circle of women.
Our love and connection
ripples out to touch the hearts of all of life.
Her Primal Freedom
a self-initiation for women through movement, voice, power & alchemy
September 15 - September 17, 2023
@ Sevenoaks Retreat Center
Madison, Virginia, USA
@ Sevenoaks Retreat Center
Madison, Virginia, USA
Space is held for 25 women
This weekend is open to people assigned female at birth, as well as those who identify as She.
Her Primal Freedom 2-night / 3-day retreat
Painting “Queen of the Night” by Marigold Mural Studios
Until 7/3/23 $695 7/4/23 - 8/30/23 $745 8/30/23 REGISTRATION CLOSES *Scholarships offered for BIPOC Reparations INCLUDES
Sevenoaks Retreat Center is a certified Virginia Green property!
They purchase locally produced food products and supplies, grow and maintain organic gardens, help to protect and enhance the wildlife on Sevenoaks property by using natural products on their grounds and buildings.
Learn more @ https://www.sevenoaksretreat.org
*Sevenoaks current COVID policy - effective June 2022 (all retreat registrants will be kept abreast of any changes)
They purchase locally produced food products and supplies, grow and maintain organic gardens, help to protect and enhance the wildlife on Sevenoaks property by using natural products on their grounds and buildings.
Learn more @ https://www.sevenoaksretreat.org
*Sevenoaks current COVID policy - effective June 2022 (all retreat registrants will be kept abreast of any changes)
* below you'll find an overview of possible activities and a gentle rhythm for our weekend, with the understanding that we follow and honor feminine creation which listens to the hearts of those present and what will most serve us all
with deep care
with deep care
Friday September 15, 2023
3:00p - 4:00p Arrival & Settling In
4:30p - 5:00p Registration & Orientation 5:00p - 6:00p Opening - Taste Your Freedom 6:00p - 7:00p NOURISHMENT : Dinner 7:30p - 9:30p We Cross Over - Ritual of Safekeeping |
Saturday September 16, 2023
7:00a - 7:45a Gentle Movement & Somatics
8:00a - 8:30a NOURISHMENT : Breakfast 9:15a - 11:00a The Container - Body, Breath & Being 11:00a - 11:30a The Pause - to Hunt, Harvest or Hide? 11:30a - 1:00p The Call - Embodied Sound & Voice 1:00p - 1:30p NOURISHMENT : Lunch 2:30p - 5:30p The Release - Alchemy of Freedom 5:30p - 6:00p The Pause - to Hunt, Harvest or Hide? 6:00p - 7:00p NOURISHMENT : Dinner 7:30p - 9:30p The Primal - Shake & Sound Your Soul |
Sunday September 17, 2023
7:00a - 7:45a Gentle Movement & Somatics
8:00a - 8:30a NOURISHMENT : Breakfast (silent meal) 9:00a - 11:00a The Initiation - Power of Our Wombing 11:00a - 11:30a The Pause - to Hunt, Harvest or Hide? 12:00p - 1:00p The Response - Softness of our Freedom 1:00p - 1:30p NOURISHMENT : Lunch 2:00p - 4:00p The Rebirth - Loving Who You Are 4:00p - 5:00p Packing Up & Good-byes (rooms cleared by 5p) 5:00p Depart Grounds by 5:30p |
Download Our Gentle Schedule & Rhythm
2023 Downloadable Schedule - click below
Your Facilitators & Sister Allies
Sharon Ann RoseI began life sitting under an oak tree, listening to the wisdom of the earth, wind and soil.
I am an author, mother, wise woman and transformational facilitator. Through the hypnotic and shamanic arts, and my connection to the natural wild and sacred feminine mysteries, I provide a safe space for others to find their inner wisdom, self-healing and love. Clients experience a deep return to a state of ease, grace, fierceness, innocence and inherent creativity. I appreciate growing closer to my humanity everyday. My private practice is based in Portland, Oregon USA, where I live with my life partner and our 3 boys. I look forward to being in Virginia again and holding space for this beautiful women's wisdom way in Sacred Healing Sisterhood. |
Madeline Holly-SalesI grew up singing. Expressing the full range of human emotion through song has always been my medicine, even before I recognized it as such. Over the years, I have deepened my appreciation of the connections between mind, body and voice.
Teaching and performing for more than 20 years has allowed me to explore and witness the tender, sometimes tumultuous journey and evolution of choosing to be seen and heard in the world. It is always an honor when someone entrusts me to support and accompany her on this journey to discover her full authentic expression. I know my own journey will last a lifetime. The voice is an essential tool for self expression and transformation of energy. Rediscovering freedom, ease and strength in the voice and body as our birthright has become my life’s passion. |
Christina BosticMy happiest childhood moments were spent dancing around the hearth, beating pots with a wooden spoon. Rhythm is my home. I love to share the pulsing of life with sisters. Allowing it to support joy and sorrow, whatever is showing up in the moment.
For much of my adult career, I've been a bodyworker and instructor of: African dance, Shake Your Soul (aka The Yoga of Dance), Hannah Somatics, and Qi Gong. As an Embodiment Guide, I invite others into movement journeys. These explorations are reflective and expressive, depending on our present needs, experiences and feelings. These practices support our OWN internally-synchronised, poly-rhythmic patterns, and new and even more delightful ways to move and be in our bodies. |
Madeline and Christina are Return of the Empress Feminine Alchemy Initiates.
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website © sharon ann rose
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life