Welcome to the Amansala Foundation
The Amansala Foundation is a resource to support the creative expression and endeavors of Feminine Life Artists.*

“Amansala” in sanskrit means ‘a state of tranquility by the water.'
I use it here to honor the initiation I underwent through pregnancy, birth and raising my three sons.
During my third son’s pregnancy and birthing, I learned to value, trust and honor my own creative process, its unique expression and way of manifestation.
From this seed of literal and internal rebirth, the dream of The Amansala Foundation rooted, following a current of reverence for the Feminine way of creating.
It is out of this internal wellspring I wish to bless and stand beside others as they reclaim their inherent, innocent and unique way of the force and flow of life and love moving through THEM. I call this, our Feminine Creation.
Each year The Amansala Foundation will donate a percentage of Faces of the Mother book sales to individuals and organizations who are blessing the world with their inherent Feminine expression of creation. Your suggestions of such individuals and organizations are welcomed.
You may reach The Amansala Foundation by contacting me here.
Donate to the Amansala Foundation,
and support Feminine Life Artists in rebirthing our world from the inside out...

*A Feminine Life Artist is one who embodies and knows she/he is a representation of the mysteries of creation and the living force of the Mother. Through her/his life artistry, unique style and way of sharing, she/he offers her gifts and wisdom from the direct relationship she holds with the living vitality of love. And through her/him, creates Love's face over and over through 10,000 ways and forms.
To be a Feminine Life Artist is to follow the impulse of creation from deep within
Meet the Feminine Life Artists of Faces of the Mother. These women have cultivated the Living Artistry of Feminine Creation.