The Feminine Creation Tour
celebrating the wisdom and women of Faces of the Mother, Sharon's first book!
video created by Courtney Neron Photography
with thanks to our Feminine Life Artists and MotherSong Sisters
with thanks to our Feminine Life Artists and MotherSong Sisters
10 events happening from West to East Coast
April - June 2017
Scroll down page for full event details and registration
Thank you so much Sharon Ann Rose, for sharing your gifts and wisdom, always challenging me to dig deeper, get uncomfortable and come face to face with fear. You always facilitate such a sacred, loving place to grow and heal. Thank you for sharing your friends, their stories and yours, and for offering your vulnerable strength. You are pure love and a magical holder of space. ~ Erin Leichty Modern Art

Saturday April 1, 2017, 7pm @ Sacred Money Studios: We Are The Vision That Transcends Our Times... a community ritual of Feminine Magic and Creative Actualization with Sharon Ann Rose, Jewelz Ann Lovejoy, Jenny Rayfield and Jasmina Soleil
Friday April 21, 2017, 7pm @ Waterstone Gallery: What Re-Connects Us to Our Feminine Wisdom and Creativity... embodied creativity, storytelling, song and ritual with our Faces of the Mother tribe
May 2 - 16, 2017 East Coast Feminine Creation Tour with Sharon Ann Rose
- Wednesday May 3, 2017, 7-8pm @ Shrewsbury Public Library: What IS Feminine Creation?! ...An insider's look in to the truth of how we create and what it means for humanity's next steps in living, loving and birthing a world we all long for
- Saturday May 6, 2017, 10am-5pm @ Ladies Entrance Studio in Beverly, MA: Mothering the Mothers... a Feminine-Creation Nest experience to nourish from the inside out with Sharon Ann Rose and Carla Orr.
- Saturday May 13, 2017, 10-11:30am @ Holden Gale Free Library: Creating from the Inside Out.. join Sharon Ann Rose, author of Faces of the Mother, to explore how to liberate your creative gifts and listen to your own intuition, guidance and personal rhythm
- Additional East Coast events TBA (contact me if interested in hosting)
Saturday May 20, 2017, 10:30am - 4:30pm: Art Divina: * Imagination * Believing * Possibilities *... an artist recovery, innocence and empowerment intensive with Jewelz Ann Lovejoy, Sharon Ann Rose, Shannon O'Connor and Love Atencio. More info >>
May 31 - June 2, 2017 BookExpo America (the largest annual Book Fair in North America) - held at the Jarvis Center in New York City. Faces of the Mother will be a book participant featured in the 'New Title Showcase.' If you're in the New York City area, swing on by and share your support of independent female authors! More info >>
Saturday June 3, 2017, 12pm - 3pm at the Oregon City Public Library Community Room: Local Author Fair
Saturday, June 10, 2017, 10am - 4pm in SW Portland: Write like a Motherfucker, my dear! ...a women's wild-heart retrieval and creative expression immersion with author, Sharon Ann Rose
Sunday, June 25, 2017, 5pm - 6:30pm at New Renaissance Bookshop, An Honesty for Love... sacred medicine for Real Relationships with Sharon Ann Rose and Peter Wease
I participated in last night's Feminine Creation Tour with Sharon Ann Rose. When asked what creation meant to me, I felt it was beyond me. The evening ended with me aware I am Creation. Whether or not I have birthed another being, I AM. I am here and able to bring forth the light of Creation in all my relationships. Sharon is incredibly real. She sang, she read, she led us through meditation (an inner tour), and movement, and guided us in healing touch. I knew I was blocked when I walked in. I know now I have the power to remove those blocks in a creative way simply acknowledging how they serve and how they interfere, and nudging them out of my way. Once again I offer my gratitude to Sharon Ann for sharing her loving courage with us. ~ Candy Watson, Portland, OR
Join us in the journey of being human, being real,
and being the love that heals our hearts and all life.
Previous Events...
June 25, 2017 ~ Sacred Medicine for Real Relationships
West Coast - final event

Sacred Medicine for Real Relationships
wisdom counsel and blessing ceremony
Sunday June 25, 2017
5pm - 6:30pm
with Sharon Ann Rose and Peter Wease
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
We come to our intimate relationships with endless expectations and preconceived notions of love.
We enter in to our partnerships with generational pattering of what love is supposed to be, provide and how we are meant to feel in it.
Deep yearning arises as we get closer to another. We want to be met here, to be seen and adored in all our glory.
And so often, our relationships seem to fall short. We feel confused about what love is and how to relate to it and each other.
Resting in the discomfort of love is how the wisdom and vitality of intimate relationship grows stronger.
Here is where the sacred medicine becomes REAL.
Real relationships bring love directly through us... into our bodies, into our lives, into the mundane moments where we're chopping wood, carrying water, paying the bills and seeing one another for who we are (and are not).
This is where we learn to grow honest with ourselves and the yearnings of our hearts.
In this event on sustaining our intimate relationships, Sharon and Peter offer their partnership of 22 years as medicine and blessing to a world hungering for REAL love. A kind of love that shows up every day to be honest about where it aches and where it's exhilarating. A kind of love that leans in to the harder-to-accept edges and grows close with each other's frailties. A kind of love willing to walk side-by-side as each person becomes chiseled down to a more softened expression of mutual wellness and vibrancy. This is a love willing to create a world that works for us all.
Through their personal stories, guided partner/individual deepening processes, question and answer, wisdom counsel and a blessing ceremony, Sharon and Peter take you in to the landscape of REAL Relationship to discover a sacred medicine for how to transform your intimacy with Love and heal the life you long for.
Come with your deepest heartache. Come with your experiences of how love hasn't worked for you. Come with your longing to take your relationship to a more sustaining place. This is where love's medicine comes alive and true transformation begins!
Sharon and Peter are life partners of 22 years. They've raised a family and created a world together based on their longing to accept the honesty of love into their hearts.
Peter Wease is a loving father, husband and protector of the Feminine. He is the one everyone goes to to share their stories and tell their deeper truths to. Peter's wish is to support transformation one couple at a time.
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
wisdom counsel and blessing ceremony
Sunday June 25, 2017
5pm - 6:30pm
with Sharon Ann Rose and Peter Wease
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
We come to our intimate relationships with endless expectations and preconceived notions of love.
We enter in to our partnerships with generational pattering of what love is supposed to be, provide and how we are meant to feel in it.
Deep yearning arises as we get closer to another. We want to be met here, to be seen and adored in all our glory.
And so often, our relationships seem to fall short. We feel confused about what love is and how to relate to it and each other.
Resting in the discomfort of love is how the wisdom and vitality of intimate relationship grows stronger.
Here is where the sacred medicine becomes REAL.
Real relationships bring love directly through us... into our bodies, into our lives, into the mundane moments where we're chopping wood, carrying water, paying the bills and seeing one another for who we are (and are not).
This is where we learn to grow honest with ourselves and the yearnings of our hearts.
In this event on sustaining our intimate relationships, Sharon and Peter offer their partnership of 22 years as medicine and blessing to a world hungering for REAL love. A kind of love that shows up every day to be honest about where it aches and where it's exhilarating. A kind of love that leans in to the harder-to-accept edges and grows close with each other's frailties. A kind of love willing to walk side-by-side as each person becomes chiseled down to a more softened expression of mutual wellness and vibrancy. This is a love willing to create a world that works for us all.
Through their personal stories, guided partner/individual deepening processes, question and answer, wisdom counsel and a blessing ceremony, Sharon and Peter take you in to the landscape of REAL Relationship to discover a sacred medicine for how to transform your intimacy with Love and heal the life you long for.
Come with your deepest heartache. Come with your experiences of how love hasn't worked for you. Come with your longing to take your relationship to a more sustaining place. This is where love's medicine comes alive and true transformation begins!
Sharon and Peter are life partners of 22 years. They've raised a family and created a world together based on their longing to accept the honesty of love into their hearts.
Peter Wease is a loving father, husband and protector of the Feminine. He is the one everyone goes to to share their stories and tell their deeper truths to. Peter's wish is to support transformation one couple at a time.
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
June 10, 2017 ~ Write like a Motherfucker, my dear!
West Coast Event

Write like a Motherfucker, my dear!
a women's wild-heart retrieval and creative expression immersion with author, Sharon Ann Rose
The Details
Saturday June 10, 2017
10am - 4pm
@ private home sanctuary in SW Portland
Follow-up group call Saturday July 1 @ 10am (90 minutes, recorded)
Space limited
The Unfolding
Inside of every woman lives A Secret.
It's one she has yet to reveal to herself.
It's the secret of her unspoken longing. Of her formless yearning. Of her most unknown parts.
It's the secret of untouched dreams she didn't even recognize as her own.
And inside of every woman lives the story of how she melts in to Her Secret.
How she disappears in to these wild-hearted dreams.
Because a woman's true magic comes alive through her story and the meaning she bestows upon it.
And through writing her legend... about where she's been and how she's gotten here... she becomes the revealer of Her Truth.
The Immersion
We will gather in safe vulnerable sanctuary. The kind women naturally create in being together.
We will retrieve the deepest secrets of our wild-hearts and offer them up for unprecedented healing.
We will discover the essential story beyond all stories... the one our whole life depends upon.
The Invitation
So come 'write like a motherfucker,' my dear! (a phrase borrowed from Cheryl Strayed)
To discover yourself in ways only you can.
Through your language and meaning. Through your deepest expression and healing. Through self-validation of your magic, your secret and its story. And how you melt in to your wildest dreams and follow them where only they can go.
We will unwrap and uncoil the heart of how you motherfucking love yourself in this radical fulfillment of being you!
The Fire
You will receive an audio transmission (via email) a few days before our event. This will support you to get real with yourself, deepen in to your journey in the way only you can, and soften to the in-person experience we will be creating together. This audio can be listened to on your computer or personal device, and saved for repeated listening.
On Saturday, when we gather, we will write the story of our deepest secrets because I'm not interested in how it all works out in the end.
I want to hear how YOU got here, and how you find yourself inside your own life.
I don't want to be handed another one-size-fits-all tale of how your dreams were fulfilled and you have it all.
I want to hear how you made it through. About the paths you've walked. The dragons you've fought. The betrayals you've endured. And the tender hopes that kept you going when life faded away.
Together we'll write about what brings us to our knees and makes us weep like a child and laugh like a lunatic.
And we will hear how you've dragged yourself up from the floor to follow an eternal truth.
Because THIS is the Secret YOUR whole life depends upon.
It's the one you have yet to reveal even to yourself, dear woman.
And I know you're hungry for it more than you've realized.
Because this, my love, is how you write the story of your life.
[Three weeks after the event, we will have a group follow-up call. This provides time and personal nourishment to be in the process of this journey for yourself, and then to gather and share, ask questions, receive reflection and wisdom. This call will be recorded for anyone not able to join us live.]
My Offering
On this day I will share my story with you... the Secret of how I'm walking through the darkness and shame, towards unreachable discoveries, to find my own heart shining at center. I will share how I recommit, even when I don't believe one scrap in myself. And how I call myself a writer, an author, leader and guide, even when I can't fathom I have anything of value to give to the world.
Reach out with your questions. I am available to you and in your discernment.
a women's wild-heart retrieval and creative expression immersion with author, Sharon Ann Rose
The Details
Saturday June 10, 2017
10am - 4pm
@ private home sanctuary in SW Portland
Follow-up group call Saturday July 1 @ 10am (90 minutes, recorded)
Space limited
The Unfolding
Inside of every woman lives A Secret.
It's one she has yet to reveal to herself.
It's the secret of her unspoken longing. Of her formless yearning. Of her most unknown parts.
It's the secret of untouched dreams she didn't even recognize as her own.
And inside of every woman lives the story of how she melts in to Her Secret.
How she disappears in to these wild-hearted dreams.
Because a woman's true magic comes alive through her story and the meaning she bestows upon it.
And through writing her legend... about where she's been and how she's gotten here... she becomes the revealer of Her Truth.
The Immersion
We will gather in safe vulnerable sanctuary. The kind women naturally create in being together.
We will retrieve the deepest secrets of our wild-hearts and offer them up for unprecedented healing.
We will discover the essential story beyond all stories... the one our whole life depends upon.
The Invitation
So come 'write like a motherfucker,' my dear! (a phrase borrowed from Cheryl Strayed)
To discover yourself in ways only you can.
Through your language and meaning. Through your deepest expression and healing. Through self-validation of your magic, your secret and its story. And how you melt in to your wildest dreams and follow them where only they can go.
We will unwrap and uncoil the heart of how you motherfucking love yourself in this radical fulfillment of being you!
The Fire
You will receive an audio transmission (via email) a few days before our event. This will support you to get real with yourself, deepen in to your journey in the way only you can, and soften to the in-person experience we will be creating together. This audio can be listened to on your computer or personal device, and saved for repeated listening.
On Saturday, when we gather, we will write the story of our deepest secrets because I'm not interested in how it all works out in the end.
I want to hear how YOU got here, and how you find yourself inside your own life.
I don't want to be handed another one-size-fits-all tale of how your dreams were fulfilled and you have it all.
I want to hear how you made it through. About the paths you've walked. The dragons you've fought. The betrayals you've endured. And the tender hopes that kept you going when life faded away.
Together we'll write about what brings us to our knees and makes us weep like a child and laugh like a lunatic.
And we will hear how you've dragged yourself up from the floor to follow an eternal truth.
Because THIS is the Secret YOUR whole life depends upon.
It's the one you have yet to reveal even to yourself, dear woman.
And I know you're hungry for it more than you've realized.
Because this, my love, is how you write the story of your life.
[Three weeks after the event, we will have a group follow-up call. This provides time and personal nourishment to be in the process of this journey for yourself, and then to gather and share, ask questions, receive reflection and wisdom. This call will be recorded for anyone not able to join us live.]
My Offering
On this day I will share my story with you... the Secret of how I'm walking through the darkness and shame, towards unreachable discoveries, to find my own heart shining at center. I will share how I recommit, even when I don't believe one scrap in myself. And how I call myself a writer, an author, leader and guide, even when I can't fathom I have anything of value to give to the world.
Reach out with your questions. I am available to you and in your discernment.
So come write like a motherfucker, dear woman!
Our woman's writing immersion includes:
This experience is for women interested in:
June 3, 2017 ~ Oregon City Public Library’s Local Author Fair
West Coast Event

Come join me in-person at the first Local Author Fair in Oregon City!
Featuring area writers from Portland and surrounding communities.
I'll be speaking candidly with participants, answering questions and sharing about my journey with writing Faces of the Mother.
You'll also be able to purchase a signed and blessed copy of my book and talk further about upcoming events while there!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
12pm - 3pm
Oregon City Public Library - Community Room
606 John Adams
Oregon City OR 97045
free and open to the public
May 31 - June 2, 2017 BookExpo America
East Coast Event

Swing on by if you're in the area, and support my first book!
It'll be located at the Inkwater display near the Author Signing area throughout the Book Expo.
BookExpo America
Jarvis Center in New York City
More info >>
Faces of the Mother will be a participant featured in the 'New Title Showcase.'
BookExpo America is the largest annual Book Fair in North America!
Share your support of independent female authors! Thank you.
It'll be located at the Inkwater display near the Author Signing area throughout the Book Expo.
BookExpo America
Jarvis Center in New York City
More info >>
Faces of the Mother will be a participant featured in the 'New Title Showcase.'
BookExpo America is the largest annual Book Fair in North America!
Share your support of independent female authors! Thank you.
May 20, 2017 ~ Art Divina
West Coast Event*

*Imagination * Believing * Possibilities *
an artist recovery, innocence and empowerment intensive
with Jewelz Ann Lovejoy, Sharon Ann Rose, Shannon O'Connor and Love Atencio
Saturday, May 20, 2017
10:30am - 4:30pm
with additional meet-ups for deepening practice and integration
$255 - $511 sliding scale cost
Room for 16 individuals
at Artist Home Sanctuary in SE Portland
*Donations welcome for sponsorship of others interested in attending. Thank you!
Further info, contact and to register>>
an artist recovery, innocence and empowerment intensive
with Jewelz Ann Lovejoy, Sharon Ann Rose, Shannon O'Connor and Love Atencio
Saturday, May 20, 2017
10:30am - 4:30pm
with additional meet-ups for deepening practice and integration
$255 - $511 sliding scale cost
Room for 16 individuals
at Artist Home Sanctuary in SE Portland
*Donations welcome for sponsorship of others interested in attending. Thank you!
Further info, contact and to register>>
May 13, 2017 ~ Creating from the Inside Out
East Coast Event

A community talk on how we liberate our creative gifts, listen to our intuition and inner rhythm with author, Sharon Ann Rose
Saturday, May 13, 2017
10am - 11:30am
at Holden Gale Free Library
23 Highland Street, Holden, MA 01520
free and open to the public
Creation begins within... within the heart of every woman. Within the spirit of every man.
Join Sharon Ann Rose, author of Faces of the Mother, on her east coast book tour. At this morning event, she'll share a deeper perspective about how we create and what she's learned through 15+ years of working with women in the landscape of our internal and soulful worlds.
Faces of the Mother is a literary testament to the art of Feminine Wisdom. It offers insight in to the creative path women walk, and what it takes to commit fully to our authentic expression and Feminine knowing and truth. It is a source of guidance for all of humanity in these transformative and life-changing times.
At this community event Sharon will share her blend of storytelling, song, direct experience, laughter, reverence and a whole lot of innocence and wonder. It takes a light heart to remember we are here to live well, love fully and create a world that works for all. And it begins right here, within you...
Liberate your creative gifts. Listen to your deep intuition. Follow your inner guidance and personal rhythm.
We are each needed in the creation of a world that honors the beauty, wisdom and grace of all life.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
10am - 11:30am
at Holden Gale Free Library
23 Highland Street, Holden, MA 01520
free and open to the public
Creation begins within... within the heart of every woman. Within the spirit of every man.
Join Sharon Ann Rose, author of Faces of the Mother, on her east coast book tour. At this morning event, she'll share a deeper perspective about how we create and what she's learned through 15+ years of working with women in the landscape of our internal and soulful worlds.
Faces of the Mother is a literary testament to the art of Feminine Wisdom. It offers insight in to the creative path women walk, and what it takes to commit fully to our authentic expression and Feminine knowing and truth. It is a source of guidance for all of humanity in these transformative and life-changing times.
At this community event Sharon will share her blend of storytelling, song, direct experience, laughter, reverence and a whole lot of innocence and wonder. It takes a light heart to remember we are here to live well, love fully and create a world that works for all. And it begins right here, within you...
Liberate your creative gifts. Listen to your deep intuition. Follow your inner guidance and personal rhythm.
We are each needed in the creation of a world that honors the beauty, wisdom and grace of all life.
May 6, 2017 ~ Mothering the Mother
East Coast Event

Rebuilding our sacred nest from our own inner nourishment
with Sharon Ann Rose and Carla Orr
Saturday May 6, 2017
10am - 5pm
at The Ladies' Entrance Studio in Beverly, MA
artist Carla Orr's creative nest
Join Feminine Creatives, Sharon Ann Rose and Carla Orr, for a special women's healing event!
During this Mother's Day season come engage all aspects of your heart, mind, body and soul through a Feminine-way of healing and transformation.
We'll begin our day by entering our own 'empty nest' (our soul essence landscape), to discover what truly nourishes the uniqueness of us as women, mothers and creatives. In the afternoon, we'll experience what it means to rest in the arms of the Mother and Her Nest, to refuel and revision how to rebuild our lives from our deepest self-care and nourishment. Each woman will be invited to rest inside Carla's nature nest (made from wisteria branches on her land), as each woman is imbued by a tangible reality of being cradled by the Sacred Mother space.
Through inner guided processes, art integration activities, tapping in to our own creative wellspring at the core of our personal and collective Mother Connection, we'll be engaging our interior power so each woman may lay a foundation truly her own to craft and rebuild her magical Nest from.
Sharon Ann Rose, author and Feminine Wisdom Catalyst, will be joining Carla once again from Portland, OR on her East Coast book tour. She offer insight in to how important it is for women to unplug and clear out our interior sanctuaries so we can rebuild our world from our own wisdom, voice, truth and way.
Artist and healer, Carla Orr, has been deep in her own rebuilding of her creative Nest space, and will be sharing the beauty of her art studio and healing wisdom as a sacred backdrop for this day together.
For more info visit: and
Register at
This day is perfect for women of all walks of life who wish to balance, soften and integrate their relationship with the Mother within.
*Please bring your own lunch. We will be picnicking at the beach (weather permitting), or on your own.
Additional details and suggested items to bring will be sent upon registration.
Circulate on facebook >>
with Sharon Ann Rose and Carla Orr
Saturday May 6, 2017
10am - 5pm
at The Ladies' Entrance Studio in Beverly, MA
artist Carla Orr's creative nest
Join Feminine Creatives, Sharon Ann Rose and Carla Orr, for a special women's healing event!
During this Mother's Day season come engage all aspects of your heart, mind, body and soul through a Feminine-way of healing and transformation.
We'll begin our day by entering our own 'empty nest' (our soul essence landscape), to discover what truly nourishes the uniqueness of us as women, mothers and creatives. In the afternoon, we'll experience what it means to rest in the arms of the Mother and Her Nest, to refuel and revision how to rebuild our lives from our deepest self-care and nourishment. Each woman will be invited to rest inside Carla's nature nest (made from wisteria branches on her land), as each woman is imbued by a tangible reality of being cradled by the Sacred Mother space.
Through inner guided processes, art integration activities, tapping in to our own creative wellspring at the core of our personal and collective Mother Connection, we'll be engaging our interior power so each woman may lay a foundation truly her own to craft and rebuild her magical Nest from.
Sharon Ann Rose, author and Feminine Wisdom Catalyst, will be joining Carla once again from Portland, OR on her East Coast book tour. She offer insight in to how important it is for women to unplug and clear out our interior sanctuaries so we can rebuild our world from our own wisdom, voice, truth and way.
Artist and healer, Carla Orr, has been deep in her own rebuilding of her creative Nest space, and will be sharing the beauty of her art studio and healing wisdom as a sacred backdrop for this day together.
For more info visit: and
Register at
This day is perfect for women of all walks of life who wish to balance, soften and integrate their relationship with the Mother within.
*Please bring your own lunch. We will be picnicking at the beach (weather permitting), or on your own.
Additional details and suggested items to bring will be sent upon registration.
Circulate on facebook >>
May 3, 2017 ~ What IS Feminine Creation?!
East Coast Event

A public talk on the inside truth about Feminine Creation with Sharon Ann Rose
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
7pm - 8pm
at Shrewsbury Public Library
609 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
free and open to the public
What IS Feminine Creation?!
Join Sharon Ann Rose, author of Faces of the Mother, on her east coast book tour. At this public event, she'll share a deeper perspective about how we create and what she's learned through 15+ years of working with women in the landscape of our internal and soulful worlds.
Faces of the Mother is a literary testament to the art of Feminine Wisdom. It offers insight in to the creative path women walk, and what it takes to commit fully to our authentic expression and Feminine knowing and truth.
On this night Sharon will share her blend of storytelling, song, direct experience, laughter, reverence and a whole lot of innocence and wonder. It takes a light heart to remember we are here to live well, love fully and create a world that works for all.
And it begins right here, within you...
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
7pm - 8pm
at Shrewsbury Public Library
609 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
free and open to the public
What IS Feminine Creation?!
Join Sharon Ann Rose, author of Faces of the Mother, on her east coast book tour. At this public event, she'll share a deeper perspective about how we create and what she's learned through 15+ years of working with women in the landscape of our internal and soulful worlds.
Faces of the Mother is a literary testament to the art of Feminine Wisdom. It offers insight in to the creative path women walk, and what it takes to commit fully to our authentic expression and Feminine knowing and truth.
On this night Sharon will share her blend of storytelling, song, direct experience, laughter, reverence and a whole lot of innocence and wonder. It takes a light heart to remember we are here to live well, love fully and create a world that works for all.
And it begins right here, within you...
April 21, 2017 ~ What ReConnects Us to Our Feminine Wisdom and Creativity?
West Coast Event

A journey through the many faces of the authentic feminine
with Sharon Ann Rose and our Feminine Creation tribe
Friday, April 21, 2017
at Waterstone Gallery
124 NW 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97209
free and open to all
This evening is the next stop on Our Feminine Creation Tour... a celebration of the wisdom and women of Faces of the Mother, Sharon Ann Rose's book about the way creation works from the inside out.
As part of artist Erin Leichty's Re-Connection storytelling series, our Feminine Creation tribe is offering soulful vignettes about how we re-connect to the rich inner reserves of Feminine Creation. Through storytelling, song, instrumentation, drumming, movement, creative expression, ritual and interactive wisdom, we celebrate how She is coming alive through us all.
Re-Connection is a month-long storytelling and artist series hosted by Erin Leichty Modern Art. Re-Connection uses evocative photos of everyday people transferred onto plaster to explore narratives of loss and discovery. Deep within rich layers of texture and cold wax, Erin buries and uncovers the universal story of the need for human connection .
Erin will be hosting several events throughout the month inviting storytellers, poets, writers and healers to share their own tales and lead workshops guiding viewers to find re-connection within themselves, their family, their community and our country. The series runs from April 2nd thru April 30th, at Waterstone Gallery 124 NW 9th Ave.
At this event on our Feminine Creation Tour, donations will be welcomed for The Amansala Foundation... to support the expression and endeavors of Feminine Life Artists thriving. There will also be a raffle to win Sharon's book, Faces of the Mother.
Circulate our invite on facebook >>
with Sharon Ann Rose and our Feminine Creation tribe
Friday, April 21, 2017
at Waterstone Gallery
124 NW 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97209
free and open to all
This evening is the next stop on Our Feminine Creation Tour... a celebration of the wisdom and women of Faces of the Mother, Sharon Ann Rose's book about the way creation works from the inside out.
As part of artist Erin Leichty's Re-Connection storytelling series, our Feminine Creation tribe is offering soulful vignettes about how we re-connect to the rich inner reserves of Feminine Creation. Through storytelling, song, instrumentation, drumming, movement, creative expression, ritual and interactive wisdom, we celebrate how She is coming alive through us all.
Re-Connection is a month-long storytelling and artist series hosted by Erin Leichty Modern Art. Re-Connection uses evocative photos of everyday people transferred onto plaster to explore narratives of loss and discovery. Deep within rich layers of texture and cold wax, Erin buries and uncovers the universal story of the need for human connection .
Erin will be hosting several events throughout the month inviting storytellers, poets, writers and healers to share their own tales and lead workshops guiding viewers to find re-connection within themselves, their family, their community and our country. The series runs from April 2nd thru April 30th, at Waterstone Gallery 124 NW 9th Ave.
At this event on our Feminine Creation Tour, donations will be welcomed for The Amansala Foundation... to support the expression and endeavors of Feminine Life Artists thriving. There will also be a raffle to win Sharon's book, Faces of the Mother.
Circulate our invite on facebook >>
April 1, 2017 ~ We Are The Vision That Transcends Our Times
West Coast Event

A Community Ritual of Feminine Magic & Creative Actualization
with Sharon Ann Rose, Jewelz Ann Lovejoy, Jenny Rayfield & Jasmina Soleil
Saturday April 1, 2017
7pm - 9pm
at Sacred Money Studios
7814 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, Oregon 97219
Sacred Money Studios has asked our Feminine Creation team to return and imbue their space with a bit of Spring ritual to honor the current times we're in.
Join us for this Community Evening to savor the world we most long for!
From within the chambers of our deepest longing, vastest heartache, most unspoken desire... the world we long for is created. The more we are personally and collectively able to cradle these places within ourselves, the more we let them seep into and powerfully be born into our shared reality, in to the connections we treasure, becoming the life we really long to live.
Come be embraced by a radical love that knows what YOU most long for... is the magic the world needs right NOW!
Sharon, Jewelz, Jenny and Jasmin have been guiding, co-facilitating and creating together through uncharted times and terrain, incessantly listening to the deep primordial wisdom of Feminine Creation and holding it close to their hearts, wombs and each other. They'll be tenderly crafting an experience that honors all and the wonder that lives within us.
Our evening will consist of song, movement, guided processes, wisdom sharing, interactive ritual, holy magic and heart's excavation. Sharon will be sharing insights into creating the world we most long for as discovered through her journey of working with Feminine Creation. From this bedrock, she'll be crafting with Jenny, Jewelz and Jasmin this night of sacred sincerity for what it'll take to bring the world we most long for alive.
The women of our MotherSongs tribe will be joining us to imbue our gathering with music, instruments and sacred sound.
Entrance by suggested donation of $10. No donation too large. All offerings support our Feminine Life Artists and our holiest creations.
Coffee, tea, wine and pie available for purchase throughout the night.
Circulate our invite on facebook:
February 17, 2017 ~ Discover Your Inherent Medicine

Our Feminine Creation Tour continues!
Discover your Inherent Medicine
with Sharon Ann Rose
Friday February 17, 2017 (rescheduled snow date)
at New Renaissance Bookshop
1338 NW 23rd Ave, Portland 97210
Our world right now is yearning for the inherent medicine we've been carrying from the beginning of creation, so we can love wildly and unceasingly through the times and changes ahead.
In this second event on our Feminine Creation Tour, join author, Catalyst and Feminine Wisdom Guide, Sharon Ann Rose, as we soulfully tap in to and flow from the rich wisdom of Creation.
Sharon will guide us through Feminine Alchemy processes to access the place within that hasn't been touched by an outer world. She will provide song healing and Sacred Feminine Resonance to aid our bodies in going deeper into our steadfast core. Through stories and sharing from her lineage within the womb of Shakti Mother, we will each have a direct revelation of the restorative creativity of our most precious selves and lives.
Join us for a transpiring gathering in the landscape of Feminine Creation!
Sharon Ann Rose has been immersed in the Feminine Mysteries for over 20 yrs. She is the author of Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration. She serves women and all they love through private sessions, Sisterhood mentorship, leadership trainings and inner Feminine journeys. Learn about her sacred medicine at www.sharonannrose.
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
Learn more about Faces of the Mother >>
And circulate our invite on facebook:
Discover your Inherent Medicine
with Sharon Ann Rose
Friday February 17, 2017 (rescheduled snow date)
at New Renaissance Bookshop
1338 NW 23rd Ave, Portland 97210
Our world right now is yearning for the inherent medicine we've been carrying from the beginning of creation, so we can love wildly and unceasingly through the times and changes ahead.
In this second event on our Feminine Creation Tour, join author, Catalyst and Feminine Wisdom Guide, Sharon Ann Rose, as we soulfully tap in to and flow from the rich wisdom of Creation.
Sharon will guide us through Feminine Alchemy processes to access the place within that hasn't been touched by an outer world. She will provide song healing and Sacred Feminine Resonance to aid our bodies in going deeper into our steadfast core. Through stories and sharing from her lineage within the womb of Shakti Mother, we will each have a direct revelation of the restorative creativity of our most precious selves and lives.
Join us for a transpiring gathering in the landscape of Feminine Creation!
Sharon Ann Rose has been immersed in the Feminine Mysteries for over 20 yrs. She is the author of Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration. She serves women and all they love through private sessions, Sisterhood mentorship, leadership trainings and inner Feminine journeys. Learn about her sacred medicine at www.sharonannrose.
To register for this event contact New Renaissance at 503.224.4929
Learn more about Faces of the Mother >>
And circulate our invite on facebook:
November 19, 2016 ~ Our Book Release Party & Feminine Creation Soiree

Come hear how She calls sound out of the silence...
How She draws color out of the colorless void.
Feel how She offers breath to the lifeless and downtrodden.
And how She gifts voice to the voiceless in our world and selves.
Join us for a transpiring evening in to the landscape of Feminine Creation!
Saturday November 19, 7pm - 9pm
at Sacred Money Studios
7814 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, Oregon 97219
Free and Open to ALL!
Together we celebrate what it takes to tap in to and flow from the rich internal wisdom of Creation. Enjoy this night of our sharing what it means to be a Sacred Life Artist!
Our open-house style event gives you a taste of the ritual, prayers, stories, songs, artistry and wisdom of the women who are a part of the soul-inspired journey that became Sharon Ann Rose's 1st book.
Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration, recounts the wild passage of a group of everyday women who went off in search of the most vital riches they contain. Through their creative inner journey they discovered what it takes to fully live from our Sacred Feminine wholeness and its integrated expression in our modern world.
Let your soul senses awaken as you come fully alive to YOUR creative inner landscape through engagement with this Feminine-inspired installment of artwork, songs, stories and book readings.
Coffee, tea, wine and PIE available for purchase throughout the night. As well as Feminine-inspired creations from our Artists (jewelry, artwork, magic potions, our book and more)!
A portion of all book proceeds from the night will be going towards the creation of The Amansala Foundation, to support the expression and endeavors of Feminine Life Artists thriving >>
Learn more about Faces of the Mother >>
And circulate our invite on facebook:
How She draws color out of the colorless void.
Feel how She offers breath to the lifeless and downtrodden.
And how She gifts voice to the voiceless in our world and selves.
Join us for a transpiring evening in to the landscape of Feminine Creation!
Saturday November 19, 7pm - 9pm
at Sacred Money Studios
7814 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, Oregon 97219
Free and Open to ALL!
Together we celebrate what it takes to tap in to and flow from the rich internal wisdom of Creation. Enjoy this night of our sharing what it means to be a Sacred Life Artist!
Our open-house style event gives you a taste of the ritual, prayers, stories, songs, artistry and wisdom of the women who are a part of the soul-inspired journey that became Sharon Ann Rose's 1st book.
Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration, recounts the wild passage of a group of everyday women who went off in search of the most vital riches they contain. Through their creative inner journey they discovered what it takes to fully live from our Sacred Feminine wholeness and its integrated expression in our modern world.
Let your soul senses awaken as you come fully alive to YOUR creative inner landscape through engagement with this Feminine-inspired installment of artwork, songs, stories and book readings.
Coffee, tea, wine and PIE available for purchase throughout the night. As well as Feminine-inspired creations from our Artists (jewelry, artwork, magic potions, our book and more)!
A portion of all book proceeds from the night will be going towards the creation of The Amansala Foundation, to support the expression and endeavors of Feminine Life Artists thriving >>
Learn more about Faces of the Mother >>
And circulate our invite on facebook:
I'm doing some serious downloading of incredible information after being with Sharon Ann and a lovely group of wonderful humans tonight for the Feminine Creation Tour of Faces of the Mother! I left New Renaissance and a group of incredible people and that phenomenal tree I parked right next to on the corner. I opened my windows and I smiled and yelled, "This is REALLY happening!!" I said it over and over and over and giggled playfully. I can be my own cheerleader. I can be happy for myself. I can believe in myself. I DO believe in myself. I let myself really *feel* my glee and be happy for myself and my child, for the first time really, to celebrate my own success and happiness-- to feel okay about being a woman and doing something on my own. I had so much positive information flowing into and out through me that I wanted to stop and write it all down. I'm crying now while writing this. I've held so much in and held myself back for the sake of others my entire life. What the fuck? I'm done with that. I have read only a little bit of Sharon Ann's collaborative book so far, and she read some of it to us last night. I held onto every single word and was fully present. That's rare for me as I have a busy, busy monkey mind. Many blessings to all who collaborated on the wonderful gift that is Faces of the Mother. ~ Carol Ann Iona River, Portland, OR |
Let me know you purchased Her...
Faces of the Mother is beginning to pop up in several local book stores and community places! I'd love to hear where you purchased Her, and remain in connection. Let me know how She has found Her way to you in the form below...