4/20/2016 0 Comments A Deeper Purpose for Our HidingHow often do you hear or have internalized these messages, “Be seen.” “Get out there.” “Claim your space.” “Be bold.” “Be brave.” “Reveal what you’ve got!” In my Sisterhood Mentorship Circle, we were recently sharing what we’ve painfully believed about ourselves. And began speaking about our deepest hiding. For many women, a sense of hiding, not being met by the outer world, not being acknowledged for what lives WITHIN, is a common feeling. For centuries women have been tucked away, out of the spotlight. And collectively we’ve judged this and tried to fit in to an external model of fulfillment. But what happens when we listen to our bodies and truth, and discover something profound and liberating about the natural wisdom of our hiding?! We’ve been hidden by the natural order for important and valid reasons. We’ve been hidden because we’ve known an intimacy with creation that this world has had no idea is even real. Has had no idea is even real! I know nothing MORE brave, bold and instinctual than allowing nature to unfold through us as it will. Then allowing life to keep revealing as creation itself, without forced directive. Breathe and feel how this touches you, my love. Breathe. These days, so many of us feel a dynamic shift imploding from within, and are drawn like flowers to make our way above ground. And here we’re so often told any sense of hiding has been wrong. Who wouldn’t crawl back in, down and away? Most women feel they’ve been in hiding most of their lives. Unseen. Unappreciated. Unnoticed. And they grapple with deep guilt and shame for NOT putting themselves out there enough. Not doing, having, being enough. We are never enough. What happens when we validate the wisdom of our own hiding? And honor these deep chambers of Feminine incubation. What happens when we see and claim the worth of ourselves and way we’ve been naturally unfolding?! Hiding is one of the brilliant and virtuoso practices of almost every part of the natural world… We are hidden by life in our mother’s womb until we grow and ready ourselves for our first appearance in the lighted world… Hiding done properly is the internal faithful promise for a proper future emergence, as embryos, as children or even as emerging adults in retreat from the names that have caught us and imprisoned us, often in ways where we have been too easily seen and too easily named. David Whyte Instead of resisting this natural and important Feminine phenomena, of being protected, of living in encasement, of having gone face-to-face with the deepest darkest aspects of our humanity, I encourage women to CELEBRATE the wondrous blessings of our hiding. To trust something greater about our tender and raw way. Those who’ve allowed themselves to be in hiding come to know how things run unfettered across vast landscapes. They’re the ones able to see in the darkness, to throw back their heads and off their shackles to cackle at the moon. These women see things that’ve gone unnoticed and unstated, covered up by the noise of life. Hiding is IMPORTANT work. And when understood, this becomes our pathway to freedom. Freedom from a world that has labeled, confined, dictated, formed and filed away everything about us so there’s nothing left to roam wild and free. Nothing left untouched and whole. Hiding is what allows us to live by our inner knowing and Sacred Feminine wisdom. Let us celebrate our hiding! As women sit together in the depths of my work, they feel a sense of safety they often don’t know what to do with. There’s a tangible container that has organically grown here, to hold and heal our deepest Feminine intimacy and creative potential. This has been incubating in the darkness, hidden away to be revealed as only it can. And let me be upfront, there’s nothing flashy about this. It’s as homegrown as the vegetables beginning to poke through in my garden. Everything I’ve ever given and have been truly proud of has happened in the dark.” Jenny, Sisterhood of the Wild Heart Yes!! Dear Women of the Wild Heart! We’ve been hiding because we’re creatures of the deepest power of creation, who’ve mastered the magic of the unseeable and unknowable realms. And here we don’t force or control beauty. We celebrate it, because we are the beauty and purpose that grows out of the darkness. We are life’s purpose. Manipulated illumination can rip the sincerest innocence from us, leaving all parts of our being to wither in the hot dry sun. Now through the nurturance of the dark womb of our Wild Hearts we return to our untapped wisdom and pure interior landscape. And as the heartache of humanity turns in yearning for something far richer than what it’s been feeding from, we are here. We are seen because we are here, at the heart of it all. Join me for my LAST in-person Portland Women’s Gathering of this year!!
Return of the Lost Daughter Saturday May 7 10am to 5pm at The Grotto. *The FULL MOON discount lasts until THIS Friday, April 22, (Earth Day and my youngest child’s birthday).
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authorSharon lives by the guidance of her wild heart. She supports humanity in listening to the Feminine Soul as it reveals through the Earth... entrusting ourselves to the power and beauty that creates life from deep within. archives
December 2019
categoriesAll Feminine Wisdom Inner Leadership New Earth Sisterhood Womb Healing Women Of The Wild Heart |
website © sharon ann rose
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life
author, ally, alchemist
reclaim your inner wisdom * celebrate your life